Get Involved by Joining a TOMA Committee

Join a TOMA committee and get involved today, we have several to choose from: 

1. Archives and History Committee: Go through items in TOMA’s storage unit to determine items it would like to keep, donate to the osteopathic medical schools, or trash. SHSU-COM is interested in building a museum of artifacts, so they should be contacted first about memorabilia. Current Chair: TBD

2. Awards & Scholarship Committee: Review student doctor of the year (SDOY) nominations and determine winner and in early May the committee reviews the award nominations for Meritorious Award, Community Service Award, Distinguished Service Award, Resident Doctor of the Year, and Public Service Awards. Current Chair: TBD

3. Conference Planning Committee: Finalize program agenda for both conferences. Find Volunteers – recruit TOMA leadership, committee members and other members to assist with speaker introductions and poster judging. Current Chairs: Carol Browne, DO and Khadija Kabani, DO

4. Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Review TOMA’s Policy Compendium – review expired/expiring policies and determine action needed on each (usually in October). Review bylaws to determine if any amendments need to be made. Current Chair: Joe Moran, DO

5. Finance Committee Quarterly meetings, prior to each TOMA board meeting, and as needed. Responsible for overseeing short- and long-term financial oversight of TOMA’s finances. Review budget and financial planning. Review internal controls and accountability, transparency, and risk management. Review audits and investments. Current Chair: Lawrence Verfurth, DO, MBA. 

6. Membership Committee: Recruitment – working to develop recruitment campaigns, retention data, renewals, surveys, and focus groups to identify candid information about the needs, wants, desires of veteran and new members. Current Chair: TBD

7. Student/Resident/Fellow/Intern Committee: Determine ways that TOMA can increase involvement and engagement at schools. Identify potential outreach opportunities. Using Presentations and Workshops to promote Advocacy 101, Resolution writing, Preparing for boards, How to testify in committee hearings, Writing op-eds. Current Chair: TBD

8. Legislative Committee: Follow and monitor proposed bills during session years. Monitor ongoing landscape closely which involves reading detailed resources from many institutions. Attend various meetings provided by outside organizations for partnered outreach. Current Chair: TBD

9. TOMA Foundation Board: Review and update the TOMA Foundation’s operations, fundraising ideas, bylaws, and programs for Student White Coats and other foundation donations. Current TOMA FD President: David Garza, DO

10. TOMA PAC Board: Review a preliminary list of candidates running for office from the Texas Medical Association (TMA) which identifies politicians who are considered “friends of medicine.” Review candidates’ political campaigns to research their positions on healthcare-related issues. Determine a list of candidates the PAC board will contribute to. Monitor and adjust donations throughout the election season as needed. Current Chair: John McDonald, DO

Interested in serving on a committee? Get in touch with us!