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TOMA-PAC is the official political action committee for the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association and the voice for the future success of Osteopathic Medicine in the State of Texas.

Decisions made by the State Legislature impact not only your livelihood, but the future of osteopathic medicine. In order for our voice to be effective in the legislature, we must be successful at raising funds. We have the ability to support candidates who share our views. TOMA-PAC is a vehicle for individuals to collectively become involved in the political process in support of issues important to their work and lives.

Success Stories

  • Monitor and protect successful Texas Tort Reform.
  • Protect the state law that restricts UNT regents to only awarding a D.O. degree.
  • Protect a physician’s scope of practice.
  • Increase of Texas primary care residency slots.
  • Advocate for fair reimbursement for physicians’ care through state medical programs.
  • Monitor efforts to enact any Affordable Care Act provisions on Texas physicians.

Our Agenda

  • Protect tort reform and its effect on malpractice insurance for physicians
  • Defend our scope of practice
  • Help push for more Texas medical residency programs and funds
  • Work for practical patient access to quality care
  • Fight to keep TCOM D.O. to preserve the osteopathic profession in Texas

Contribute to TOMA-PAC


Contributions are encouraged but voluntary and can only be accepted from individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships and other political action committees. No corporate checks or corporate funds of any kind are permitted. Contributions made to the TOMA-PAC are neither deductible as a business expense nor as a charitable contribution.